Sat 11 Jan
All Natural and also Certified/ Approved 100 hrly $pec!@ls " √ 312-288-6083 @$k @b0ut MY 2 G!rL$ - 21
(St. Louis, incalls/0utcalls 60,80,150)
*¨¨*- :¦:-* A:L:L N:A:T:U:R:A:L *-: ¦ :-*¨¨*. SWEET*-: ¦ :-*¨¨* - 21
(St. Louis, incall and out downtown)
A woman who knows what you need, CALL Me! 314-345-0067 Last Day in St.Charles County - 41
(St. Louis, St.Charles County)
Yours truly the best is in town to full feel all your fantasy - 25
(Kansas City, Downtown Kansas City incalls out calls)
Barbie Doll💋601-329-9770 New Girl Here I Top Cakes Too🍑👏🏾🍆💦 - 25
(10330 Natural bridge road Airport Area, St. Louis)
B☼dy · oF a G☼ddess ** FaCe oF a AnGeL .·°¤: AmaZzing 9" (504)535-3008 - 22
(St. Louis, Downtown STL)
★ ————————— ————— ★ 38DD TRANSSEXUAL GODDESS ★ ————————— ————— ★ - 24
(St. Louis, Visiting a few days St Louis)
:*:• {♥} Y.O.U.R •:*:• S.E.X.I : ~ :~ L.I.T.T.L.E •:*:• S.E.C.R.E.T {♥} •:*:• {♥} - 22
★You Deserve The Best★ And I've Got It!★ { Petite √ Sexy √ Very Well Reviewed + Recommended √ } - 29
(St. Louis, Stl/IL in/out)
** THIS ** IS ** WHAT **you've been ** ** looking for** - 19
(INCALLS/NO OUTCall airport or downtown)
TORI♛ Sexi♜♔ New ♕♖Girl♗Sweet ♘Slim♙Frame ♔Here ♖For ♗A ♘ Limited♙Tyme 75 Special - 24
(St. Louis, Forest park/in-out calls)
*****Tired Of Being Teased? Well Come Get Pleased!!! *EXPLOSIVE EXPERIENCES WITH LONDON* (real pics) - 19
(St. Louis, Dunn Road)
Looking For The Ultimate In Elite EROTIC Massage??? HOT, SLICK, PLEASURE And Gorgeous Girls!!!! - 19
NEW PICS!!! Sultry, European Christina, For INTENSE Deep STROKES & Full Contact EROTIC Massage!!! - 19
(St. Louis, Maplewood Private Incall)
Ms **Spectacular! ****Oily Sutras****** Courtney Doez it Better!!!** Come *N* Get* it.! 314-306-9457 - 24
(St. Louis, **WEST CO** 270**)
Sexy, Classy Full -Body Massage -Experience How I've Mastered The Art Of Touch! - 34
(St. Louis, Out-Call & Inn-Call)
****** Sexy Sensual Massages With Megan Is a MUST!!!!****** (Caramel Beauty) - 21
(St. Louis, St. Louis area)
———————NO1.— 7 SPA *NEW* ————— ———————— A— M—A—Z—I —N—G ———————— ✪———————— NEW STAFF *HOTTEST* — ——— - 21
(St. Louis, 110 W Union Ave Litchfield, IL 62056)
Outcall Only 100 dollar outcall special! Tall long legs and a finish that will buckle your knees - 26
(St. Louis, Outcall only mo/il)
❤ REDHEAD ❤ ❤ ❤❤SPECIAL •✿• »AMAZING HEIGHTS☎-★» SPECIAL •✿• ❤SEXY❤ »-★- NURU ❤•✿• St Charles - 30
Like a HIGH PERFORMANCE AUTO? MARRIED, CAUCASIAN only, please!! New To Kansas City? NO TEXTS. - 51
(Columbia/Jeff City, Kansas City, Lake Of The Ozarks, St Joseph, St. Louis, KC NORTH)
looking for a sensual touch and most erotic time?!look no further Today specials only ! - 25
(St. Louis, St. Louis/Fenton area)
Melt With Happiness As I Glide My Body & Breasts Against Your Every Inch! $100 Fri & Sat Before 2pm - 35
soft Touch BABYDOLL & shy enjoyable touch. body 2 body AIRPORT AREA SPL SAME AS IN - 20
(St. Louis, airport incall SPL)
Sexy brunette vixen here to pamper you to start your week off right. Let me melt your stress away - 31
(St Louis - Central West End, Forest park)
Reserve* YOUR Special Treat* N All NIGHT Specials *Just 4 You* 314-703-8916 24/7 No Rush! - 25
(St. Louis, WEST CO)
***~~Sensual Caresses from a TALL CuRvY GODDesS~~*** Outcalls Only - 29
(St. Louis, Mobile massage. Outcalls only)
NEW PIX!!! ¤ 75special EROTIC MASSAGE by BRAZILIAN BEAUTY w/ BOOTY! ¤ 75special ¤ Call 312-869-2809 - 23
(St. Louis, north county....INCALL ONLY)
█► REAL Massage ◄█ - 36
(St. Louis, Westside incalls w/table ~ SHORT VISIT)
SEXY MALE GROOMING w/ Licensed Esthetician! 38DD and a great touch! NO ONE DOES IT BETTER! 100% Real - 22
(7 min from Airport- INCALL ONLY, St. Louis)
Make an appointment right now and come to relax with this beautiful Asian lady! - 23
(Central West end, St. Louis)
•●•●•OUTCALL ONLY•●•●• ▪■▪■Licensed Massage Therapist LILLIE■▪■▪At Your Service!!! - 24
** Sensual Erotic Fully Nude Massages Given By petite beauty Always :) endng !!! 3145361311 IN/OUT - 24
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand Out/Incall 24/7)
New Pix!!! EROTIC MASSAGE/75 special ¤ BRAZILIAN BEAUTY w/ BOOTY ¤ 75special ¤ Call 312-869-2809 - 23
Melt away Monday out call specials all night -309 807 7999 - 26
(In/ out St. Louis county /downtown, St. Louis)
🍧🍨🍧 🍨🍧Mmh 🍧🍨YuMmY 🍧🍨dElIcIoUs 🍧🍨JuIcy 🍧🍨SweeT 🍧🍨READY NOW————— SOO GORGEOUS 🍧🍨🍧🍨 - 23
(North County)
Relax & Enjoy My Artison's Hands~ My Technique Will Stimulate Every Part Of You~ I'm Verified Gents - 37
(St Louis - Clayton, Clayton)
**-** SeNsUaL, sExY, nUdE mAsSaGe GiVeN bY gOrGeOuS bEaUtY**-** iNcALl/OuTcAlL zAlWaYs AvAiLaBlEz - 24
(St. Louis, Near Hwy 40/44/S. Grand Out/Incall 24/7)
** Sexy Full Body Rubs & By,Sexy Ladies!! Just FOR YOU !! 24/ 7* !! - 25
(In/Out Calls!! *West of 270 & Olive* Any)
💋💋💎💎 💦👅 ◆◆ ◆◆ " New Girls Just Arrived " ◆◆▐ ► Body MASSAGE!--626-200-6130 - - 28
(Brighton, St. Louis)
New Pics!! Want EXPLOSIVE Body-On-Body Erotic Massage??? Let Angel STR0KE Away ALL Your Tension! - 22
(St. Louis, Private Tower Grove Professional Studio)
Newer real pics! Well reviewed! Highly rated! Huge all natural 36DD's! - 27
(St. Louis, South, Arnold Fenton)
Sexy brunette vixen here to start your Humpday off on the right note! Let me your stress away - 31
(St Louis - Central West End, Forest park)
Last Day in Town! 36DDD! Upscale Clientele! MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED! All Real! - 21
(St. Louis, Downtown)
Saturday spine tingling toe curling specials💋3093614232 - 28
(Incall/Outcall St. Charles Area -, St. Louis)
New Pics☆☆☆Sexy In St Louis ☆☆☆ SEXY says it ALL ☆☆☆ Your FAVORITE FLIRT ☆☆☆ Up Late!! - 25
(St. Louis, Downtown/St Charles/SoCo/Chesterfield)